Top Five Ways to Make Money in Crypto

Top Five Ways to Make Money in Crypto

Cryptocurrency offers anyone the chance to make money anywhere in the world at any given time.

Cryptocurrency opens doors that other industries cannot and allows people the opportunity to make life-changing money in a fraction of the time it can take investing in the stock market.

But what are the top five ways to maximise your chances of making money in this industry? Let’s dive in!

1. Investing

Since bitcoin’s inception, it has consistently provided an opportunity to make money, mostly revolving around its halving cycles.

Historically, the bitcoin halving events have provided the opportunity for investors to make life-changing money within months of the halving event passing. However, it is not just the halving that drives opportunity.

For example, this year has provided an exceptional opportunity to those who kept faith in the industry and bought after the FTX collapse.

Investing in spot positions is the simplest form of making money in cryptocurrency from an effort standpoint. If you have the patience, buying and holding positions and allowing the market to do its thing can provide incredible gains.

Whilst not risk free, Bitcoin is widely considered the safest bet in crypto, but it can also provide the lowest ROI. Altcoins, particularly low cap and mid cap give the most significant reward opportunity but this is tends to come at the highest risk.

Other areas of investing in cryptocurrency include miner stocks and Coinbase stock.

However you choose to invest, ensure you always do the appropriate due diligence,manage risk accordingly and remember that history is not always an indication of future price action.

2. Trading

Trading can bring some of the same advantages as investing when centred around the halving cycles and the bull markets that follow.

However, trading derivatives allows an individual to play the whole cycle, including the parabolic rise and the bear market that typically follows.

A trader who can remove bias and simply apply technical analysis for longing and shorting may profit the most across an entire cycle, from beginning to end.

However, trading requires more effort than a simple buy-and-hold strategy and inherently carries with it more risks.

A trader must spend time analysing the charts, searching for setups, calculating the risk/reward ration of a trade, and they must be able to execute a trade in order to make the most out of the opportunity.

Overall, trading can provide another excellent revenue stream for an individual, but learning how to do it takes time and practice, with most traders unable to profit or profit big. Finding a strategy that suits the individual is also a process of trial and error.

3. Staking

Staking works hand-in-hand with investing as it requires an individual to hold the underlying asset they wish to stake.

But if the investor has a long-term time horizon, such as two years, staking can earn a passive income with minimal effort.

For example, the APY for Lido liquid staking for Ethereum is 3.6% at the time of writing. However, this has been as much as 5% over the last two years, mainly before the Merge was completed in September 2022.

These opportunities allow investors to make passive income they can withdraw and spend or compound on their spot holdings to try to generate higher returns.

Still, staking also comes with risks. The collapse of the Terra Luna ecosystem in May 2022 saw billions of dollars lost from those holding the UST stablecoin.

You must also stake your assets safely, as risky DeFi protocols can be exploited, resulting in a loss of assets.

Overall, staking can be a good option for those who wish to create passive income by putting crypto assets to work while holding.

4. Affiliate Programs

Affiliate programs work differently to any of the above investment strategies as your return is more likely to depend on how much effort you are willing to put in.

These programs allow you to earn income based on how many users you sign up for a specific subscription via an affiliate link, or how many shoppers use your code/link at the checkout.

Affiliate programs differ as you hold the key to your earnings. If you post links once a day on X, you are unlikely to generate much income unless you have a large following.

However, suppose you are willing to put the effort in and spend time replying to comments with your links, telling other people why a product or service is superb, and advertising the underlying what you want people to purchase via your link. In that case, you are more likely to be successful.

Here at Crypto Saving Expert, we have a brilliant opportunity for you.

If you are already fully allocated to the market or cannot get to grips with trading, our affiliate program may unlock a form of income.

We have launched two affiliate programs: CSE PLUS+ and Merch Store.

The CSE+ program requires you to subscribe as a Premium member of our subscription model; this entitles you to a personal affiliate link.

If you make enough referrals, the program gives you the opportunity to make back your CSE+ subscription charge, meaning you gain access to the best knowledge and community in the whole of cryptocurrency for free.

But it doesn’t stop at breakeven. You have the opportunity to make as much money as you can with our affiliate program, and this opportunity is there for the taking.

Premium members will receive 50% commission on any qualifying referral via your personal link.

Furthermore, our merch store affiliate program allows you to make money each time someone orders using your personal merch store link.

We have designed our merchandise store to be the best in the industry, making it easy for you to advertise to your followers and potential customers. Simply post about our products and attach your link, and you will earn 10% of the basket's value when buyers order via that link.

Make the most of your time in cryptocurrency and maximise your earnings by publicising affiliate links today and begin your journey to passive income!

5. Airdrops

Airdrops are often seen as one of the most profitable forms of income in crypto, but require high effort.

Airdrops are given to users based on several factors specific to that protocol but typically are based on usage.

Airdrops give users free tokens for meeting criteria, which are dropped into self-custody.

Because the tokens are free, they offer an almost 100% return by way of return.

However, some protocols like Blur require users to actively use their asset, meaning you can burn gas fees in the process;, which gives rise to an initial outlay of funds by the users before an airdrop is received.

Still, it can be advantageous for those who put in the effort.

Blur recently concluded an airdrop of BLUR tokens, with one individual claiming $11m.

Overall, airdrop farming are considered high effort, high reward as a method to make money in crypto.

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